Most gardens will have areas of shade due to a number of different contributing factors, and no doubt you will still want to plant something in those areas of your garden.

Here are a small selection of trees and shrubs that will tolerate and happily grow in shaded gardens.

  • Beech all green leaf varieties / Fagus sylvatica
  • Box / Buxus sempervirens varieties
  • Cherry laurel / Prunus laurocerasus varieties
  • Common holly / Ilex aquifolium varieties
  • Fortunes spindle / Euonymus fortunei varieties
  • Highclere holly / Ilex x altaclerensis varieties
  • Hop hornbeam / Ostrya carpinifolia
  • Laurustinus / Viburnum tinus
  • Holly olive / Osmanthus heterophyllus
  • Mountain ash, Rowan / Sorbus aucuparia
  • Portuguese laurel / Prunus lusitanica

The location and soil conditions should be considered when planting in shade, these factors will heavily contribute to the success of your new tree or shrub. If you need further advice on planting in a shady garden, a call to speak with one of our horticulturalists would be recommended.