The Tree & Hedge Company

Katsura Tree

Cercidiphyllum japonicum

Breathe life onto your landscape with a Katsura tree. At The Tree & Hedge Company, we understand the transformative power of trees. We’re passionate about helping you create a flourishing garden that reflects your unique style and adds value to your property. We offer a comprehensive service to meet all your tree and hedge needs, from supply and delivery to expert planting and installation. Contact us today to transform your outdoor space!

Katsura Tree
Katsura Tree
What is a Katsura Tree?

The Katsura tree, also known as the Japanese Judas tree, is an attractive addition to any garden. Renowned for its stunning autumn foliage that transforms from vibrant green to fiery shades of orange, red, and purple, the katsura tree adds a touch of drama and elegance to your landscape.  But beyond its captivating looks, this tree boasts numerous attributes that make it a compelling choice for discerning homeowners.

Why Choose a Katsura Tree?
Why Choose The Tree & Hedge Company for Your Katsura Tree Needs?

The Tree & Hedge Company is your one-stop shop for everything related to tree planting. We offer a comprehensive service encompassing:

The Katsura tree is a captivating addition to any garden, offering a display of colour in autumn and architectural interest throughout the year.  The Tree & Hedge Company is here to help you transform your garden with this exceptional tree.

Contact us today to discuss your tree-planting needs and add a touch of magic to your landscape.  We look forward to helping you bring your garden to life.


Are katsura tree roots invasive?

No, Katsura tree roots are not considered invasive. They are known for being shallow but wide-spreading, extending outwards as far as the tree’s crown diameter, typically around 25-60 feet at maturity.

This shallow root system makes them unlikely to damage foundations or underground utilities. However, it’s still a good idea to plant them at least 15-20 feet away from structures to avoid potential issues.

How to prune a katsura tree?

Katsura trees are known for their low-maintenance needs and naturally attractive shape, so frequent pruning isn’t necessary. However, if you do want to prune your Katsura tree, here’s a general guide:

  • Best Timing: Prune in late autumn after leaves have dropped or early spring before sap flow begins (ideally in March). Minor pruning can be done in summer after leaves have matured.
  • Young Trees (Shaping): Focus on shaping the growth while the tree is young. Remove crossing or crowded branches to avoid future issues.
  • Low Branches: For clearance purposes, you can remove low branches gradually (1-2 per year) over several years while the tree is young.
    Established Trees: Mature trees typically only need pruning every 3-5 years. During spring checks, remove any dead branches or suckers.
How long do katsura trees live?

Katsura trees are known for their longevity.  While estimates vary, they can live for hundreds or even thousands of years. There are documented cases of katsura trees exceeding 500 years old, and their resilience to pests and disease suggests lifespans well over 1,000 years are possible.




Katsura tree will grow in nutrient rich, moist acidic to alkaline soil types. Leaf colours are more intense when planted into soils with acidic pH.



The Katsura tree likes cool areas with high humidity and moist soil. Sensitive to heat and drought.

Annual Growth Rate


The Katsura tree will achieve a growth of around 30cm per year.

pH Tolerance


The Katsura tree can grow in soils with acidic, neutral and alkaline pH levels.

Root Structure


The root system of the Katsura tree is shallow and far-reaching and near to the surface which will lift paving and other hardstanding materials.



The Katsura tree is a truly beautiful specimen tree, and if your garden can accommodate one, we recommend that you consider it.

Annual Pruning


The Katsura tree should only be pruned if needs to be shaped-up or it has damaged or broken branches.



The Katsura is not a demanding tree and will reward you with outstanding features, including leaf colouring, flowers and fragrance.

Spring - Summer


Young tree


60-65cm girth 6.5m tall

70-75cm girth 7m tall

80-85cm girth 8m tall

90-100cm girth 10m tall

100+cm girth


Young tree


18-20cm girth 4m tall

25-30cm girth 4.5m tall

35-40cm girth 5m tall

45-50cm girth 5m tall

55-60cm girth 5.5m tall


Young tree


10-12cm girth 2m tall

14-16cm girth 2.2m tall

16-18cm girth 2.5m tall

Prices are to give a general indication of cost for premium mature trees and hedges. Additional costs for delivery, installation and maintenance should be considered. For a bespoke project cost please contact our dedicated sales team for expert advice and a fixed quotation.

Speak to us

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to order;speak to our friendly team today!