The Tree & Hedge Company

Mature Trees FAQ

Mature Trees FAQ

Can you buy large trees?


Our team at The Tree and Hedge Company can advise you on what semi-mature or fully mature tree will work best in your outside space. We can then source, install and fully maintain them for you.

Mature Trees FAQ

How can you tell the age of a tree?

Trees are sometimes aged by the stem diameter size, and whilst this measurement can give an estimated guess, it is not accurate. Weather conditions have an impact on trees and their growth rate every year. For an example a long warm summer with enough rainfall will be a good growing year for a tree, whereas a hot summer with periods of drought will stress and minimize the growth for that year.

The way to correctly age a tree is by cutting through the base of the stem and counting the number of growth rings across the stem cut. By doing this you can also determine the good and the poor years shown in the width between each ring.

This of course is not recommended because it will kill the tree. It should only be done if the tree has to be removed, falls over or dies.

Mature Trees FAQ

How do I choose the most appropriate tree for my garden?

To begin, look around the area you live to establish what trees grow well there. Then think about how tall and wide you want the tree to be when its fully mature.

There are some contributing factors to choosing the right tree for your space.

Does it need to be a flowering tree, what is the soil type where the new tree will be planted? Do you need the tree for privacy or to screen an unsightly view? Or is it simply a tree to admire. Take a look at our tree filter feature to get an idea on the best tree for your situation.

Mature Trees FAQ

What is photosynthesis to trees?

Photosynthesis is the process by which trees use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

Mature Trees FAQ

What is the best tree for a small garden?

There are many trees suitable for planting in small gardens. The following five are worth consideration:

Amelanchier varieties, crab apples, Japanese maples, olive and saucer magnolia.

Mature Trees FAQ

What is the importance of soil?

Trees require stability from the soil for their roots to grow into, to support the stem and branches above. Trees need air and water from the soil along with nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to allow them to develop and flourish. Soil provides trees with all of these things.

Mature Trees FAQ

What tree produces the most flowers?

Most tree species produce flowers but most are rarely seen because they are small and inconspicuous. There are some truly beautiful flowering trees, such as Crab apples, Flowering cherries, Foxglove tree, Hawthorns, Magnolias and the Tulip tree.

Speak to us

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to order;speak to our friendly team today!